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My Topics for You

Recognize, Accept and Change

In my time-outs, mentorings, and deepening talks, I offer for consideration the themes of vocation, relationships, and escapes.

Vocation and relationship are central to our ego construction. They determine the prospect of success and recognition, for example.

We are driven by the desire and rejection of our ego, a result of our transmissions of cultural and social ideas.

Recognizing and accepting one's own ego obligations helps to escape from one's own pressure to perform and from one's own escape behavior to compensate for it.

With Buddha in the Tank

Mit Buddha im Tank - Auszug der Lehrrede
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Excerpt of the deepening speach


Earning income, personal fulfillment and developing the world for the better. But what is really important for me?


Safety, security, love, passion, sex, family, friends. How much relationship does my ego need, how much my self?


The loss of contact with your self drives you into addiction. The desires of your ego leave no room for your self.


A time out is a retreat: a step back from everyday life into the contemplation of oneself


A Buddhist-systemic conversation serves to find solutions through guided self-reflection


The modern and understandable presentation of Buddha's teachings for implementation in everyday life

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